The B2B World Needs
a New Way to 

The traditional learning paths are failing us. It’s time for a new approach.

The Supered Solution

Drive real process adoption

In-context support

Deliver step-by-step guidance where your teams work, without interruption

Seamless integration

Embed new processes directly into daily workflows for instant uptake

Maximum impact

Ensure every change is adopted quickly, efficiently, and painlessly

The Hidden Costs of Poor Process Adoption

It’s past due for a change

The invisible price you’re paying everyday

Wasted Time

Hours lost to searching, not learning

Employees spend up to 30% of their time searching for information instead of applying it

  • Endless Tool Toggling: The Tab Apocalypse Is Real. Navigating between countless tools and tabs disrupts workflow, causing frequent interruptions and lost focus. Each switch costs valuable minutes, adding up to hours lost every day
  • Knowledge in Silos: Information Scattered, Not Centralize. When data is stored across multiple platforms like LMS, wikis, and intranets, employees waste time searching for answers, often missing critical insights hidden away in obscure locations
  • Constant Context Switching: Breaking Flow, Breaking Focus. Switching between tasks and tools breaks concentration and slows productivity. It takes an average of 23 minutes to regain focus after an interruption (Source: University of California, Irvine)
A man in a suit and tie holding his head.
Low engagement

Tools without adoption are just expenses

70% of employees feel less engaged when they don't receive sufficient training to use new tools effectively

  • New tools, old habits: resistance to change slows adoption.
    Employees are often resistant to new tools that require them to unlearn old habits. Without adequate support, they default to familiar, outdated methods
  • Information overload: too much content, too little value
    Overwhelming employees with excessive or irrelevant content reduces their engagement. Only 20% of training content is ever applied on the job
  • Lack of real-time support: training that’s out of context
    Training that isn't immediately applicable or context-specific leaves employees stranded when they need help, lowering their motivation to engage with new tools
A painting of a woman with blue hair.
Frustration & burnout

When learning feels like a chore

85% of employees feel stressed due to ineffective workplace training

  • Mandatory Training Fatigue: Sessions That Drain, Not Sustain
    Required training sessions are often seen as tedious obligations, draining energy rather than fostering growth and learning
  • Complicated SOPs: Memorization Instead of Mastery
    SOPs require memorization, which is neither practical nor effective in dynamic work environments. This leads to frustration and a lack of true understanding
  • Unclear Expectations: Inconsistent Guidance and Outcomes
    When training lacks clarity, employees are left guessing about best practices, resulting in inconsistent outcomes and increased frustration
A man in a red jacket and blue tie making a surprised face.
And it’s a Ripple Effect on Your Bottom Line

It’s like swimming upstream with one hand tied behind your back

Sluggish Onboarding

New hires struggling to keep up

Poor onboarding can result in up to 50% higher turnover rates within the first 18 months

  • Information Dumping: Overwhelming, Not Onboarding New hires are bombarded with too much information at once, which overwhelms them and hinders their ability to absorb essential knowledge
  • Lengthy Ramp-Up Times: Slow Start, Slow Impact With inadequate onboarding, new employees take longer to become productive, delaying their contributions and overall team performance.
  • High Drop-Off Rates: Frustration Leads to Turnover Ineffective training and onboarding contribute to early resignation, with nearly 25% of new hires leaving within the first year due to poor onboarding experiences
A woman with a surprised look on her face.
Process breakdowns

Mistakes multiply without proper training

67% of employees say they make errors because they lack the proper training to do their job effectively

  • Untrained Teams: Error Rates Skyrocket Without Clarity
    Lack of training leads to frequent mistakes, from minor errors to costly blunders, affecting overall quality and consistency
  • Misaligned Execution: Processes Not Followed Correctly
    When teams don’t understand or remember the correct processes, execution becomes inconsistent, leading to missed deadlines and poor results
  • Reactive Corrections: Fixing Issues After They Arise, Not Before
    Time and resources are wasted fixing mistakes after they happen rather than preventing them with proper training
A man in a suit and tie covering his face with his hands.
Reduced ROI

Software investments that don’t deliver

56% of companies fail to realize ROI on their software investments due to poor user adoption

  • Unused Features: Paying for Capabilities No One Uses Companies spend thousands on software features that employees don’t use due to inadequate training, resulting in wasted investment
  • Underutilized Tools: Investment Wasted on Low Adoption
    Low adoption rates mean companies aren’t getting the full value from their software tools, turning what should be an asset into a liability
  • Higher Support Costs: More Tickets, More Problems

    Lack of effective training leads to an increased volume of support tickets, which drives up costs and burdens IT and support teams
A woman is screaming with her hands on her chest.
Outdated methods, outdated results

The traditional enablement methods aren’t working

Traditional enablement methods are no longer efficient or effective in today's fast-paced digital business environment. Here's why they fail:

In-person sessions pull employees away from their daily tasks for scheduled workshops, often involving presentations or group activities.


  • Interrupts workflow: Employees are taken out of their productive environments, leading to lost time and focus
  • Information overload: These sessions cram too much information into a short period, which is hard to retain and apply
  • Poor scalability: Difficult to coordinate across dispersed teams and locations, making them impractical for larger organizations

Lengthy training videos are designed to cover detailed processes and procedures, typically housed in an LMS or internal portal.


  • Low engagement: Employees find them boring and often skip through or avoid them altogether
  • Difficult to navigate: Long videos make it hard to find specific information quickly, leading to frustration and inefficiency
  • Hard to keep current: Videos become outdated quickly as processes and software evolve, leading to irrelevant content

Step-by-step instructions in lengthy documents that attempt to cover every detail of a process.


  • Overwhelming & tedious: Too much text makes them hard to digest, and employees are less likely to read them thoroughly
  • Inconsistent documentation: Too much text makes them hard to digest, and employees are less likely to read them thoroughly
  • Difficult to access: Too much text makes them hard to digest, and employees are less likely to read them thoroughly

Centralized platforms for hosting training materials, courses, quizzes, and certifications.


  • Doesn’t support real-time learning: LMS platforms often require users to leave their workflow to access content, disrupting their productivity
  • Content is hard to find: Users struggle with navigation and locating specific information within a vast array of courses and modules
  • Limited reinforcement: Lack of continuous learning and reinforcement leads to poor knowledge retention and low adoption rates

Internal websites or portals designed to house company resources, policies, and training materials.


  • Fragmented knowledge: Information is often scattered across different pages, making it hard to find in the moment of need
  • Outdated and static content: Intranets are rarely updated in real time, leading to stale or irrelevant information
  • Lack of engagement: Employees perceive intranets as cumbersome and not user-friendly, resulting in low utilization rates
A woman pointing at the camera with a surprised look on her face.A speech bubble with the words alright, then keep scrolling.
A New Approach

The Future of Enablement is real-time

Introducing DAPs: the promise of real-time enablement

The word wow on a green background.
Introducing DAPS!

Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs): A step in the right direction, but not enough for revenue teams

Limited flexibility: one-size-fits-all doesn’t fit

  • DAPs often come with rigid frameworks that don't align with the unique and varied workflows of revenue teams.
  • They lack the customization needed for different sales stages, customer types, or unique market segments.
  • Revenue teams need tools that can quickly adapt to changing market conditions, but DAPs struggle to keep up.
A close up of a person wearing a joker mask.
Hmmm...not quite right yet
A close up of an orange eye on a blue background.
ooooooohhh...that hurts

Complex setup and management: more trouble than it’s worth

  • Implementing a DAP often requires significant time, resources, and technical know-how, which most revenue teams can't afford.
  • Many DAPs demand extensive coding or IT support, making them difficult to deploy rapidly or scale effectively.
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates are necessary to keep DAPs relevant, adding extra workload for teams already stretched thin.

Disconnected experience: lacks cohesion and continuity

  • DAPs are often designed as generic overlays that don't integrate seamlessly with the specific tools and systems used by revenue teams.
  • Users may still have to switch between different applications to find the information they need, breaking their flow of work.
  • The lack of a cohesive experience creates friction and frustration, reducing overall engagement and effectiveness.
A man holding his head in his hands.

And that’s why We built Supered!!!

Real-time enablement that works for revenue teams

Muscular superhero running

Purpose-built for revenue teams, designed for impact

Supered takes the concept of real-time enablement and transforms it into a solution tailored specifically for the unique needs of revenue teams. Here’s how:

A woman with purple hair giving a thumbs up.
Now, that’s a flex!!!

Tailored flexibility: adapts to your processes, not the other way around

  • Fully customizable to match the exact workflows, sales stages, and customer interactions of your revenue team.
  • Dynamic content delivery ensures the right guidance is provided at the right moment, tailored to the user's current context.
  • Updates and changes can be implemented instantly without the need for complex coding or IT involvement.

Easy implementation and management: fast, scalable, and user-friendly

  • No-code setup allows teams to deploy Supered quickly without needing extensive IT resources or support.
  • Simple management tools enable easy updates and adjustments directly by revenue leaders or team members.
  • Effortlessly scales across your organization, ensuring consistent alignment and forward momentum for all.
A drawing of a person's hands holding something in the air.
Oh, snap!
A woman holding a gift box with a surprised look on her face.

Seamless integration: designed to fit where you work

  • Supered integrates directly within the tools your team already uses, providing guidance without forcing context switching.
  • Creates a unified experience where learning and enablement happen naturally, as part of the daily workflow.
  • Reduces friction and boosts engagement by delivering support in a way that feels intuitive and unobtrusive.
A drawing of a man with a lightning bolt in his hand.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin
Super power: Freakin’ genius
Philosopher superhero in power stance

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

Chinese Philosopher; Teacher
The #SuperedSquad

Built for superheroes, by superheroes

Introducing your new BFFs

Matt Bolian
Matt Bolian
Stephen Bussey
Stephen Bussey
Lindsey Smith
Lindsey Smith
Partner Success Manager
Ashley Freter
Ashley Freter
Partner Success Manager
Caleb King
Caleb King
Account Executive
D'Ana Guiloff
D'Ana Guiloff
Head of Growth
Blake Lytle
Blake Lytle
Account Executive
Lorenzo Silva Costa
Lorenzo Silva Costa
Video Editor
Dave Lively
Dave Lively
Senior Software Engineer
Lindsay John
Lindsay John
Head of Customer Success
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson
Senior Software Engineer
Chris van Praag
Chris van Praag
Account Executive

Ready to empower your superheroes?

With Supered, your team will never have to navigate alone. Give them the copilot they deserve and watch productivity, engagement, and adoption rise.

A woman in glasses and a white shirt is holding a blue and red cape.